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Manuscript Evaluations

Manuscript evaluations consist of the reading and assessment of a manuscript. This service includes marginal notes and suggestions to help guide an author into effective self-edits. 
Feedback may include information on: grammar, flow, story and character development, and reader impressions.

Turn Around: 2-4 weeks

Developmental Editing

Developmental Editing is an analytical process that assesses a manuscript on a macro level. Developmentl edits look at plot development, character development, and story flow. 
When a developmental edit is complete, the author will receive a developmental letter. This letter details problems and solutions as well as successes within the manuscript. For more details on the developmental letter, please reach out.

There will also be marginal notes and feedback on the manuscript to further aid in the editing process. Marginal notes should provide more direct feedback and guidance on the broader topics addressed in the developmental letter.

Turn Around: 4-8 weeks

Substantive Editing

Substantive Editing, also known as Content and Full Editing, combines the jobs of a Developmental Edit and a Line Edit. Substantive Editing includes all services included in a Developmental Edit as listed above, but also looks at story flow on a chapter, paragraph, and sentence level by providing suggestions through in-line tracked changes and marginal commentary to improve the overall readability of a text.

*Not every manuscript is eligible for Substantive Edits. 

Turn Around: 4-8 weeks

Line and Copy Editing

Line editing addresses the overall flow and style of the piece. With line edits you can expect to see changes at the sentence and paragraph levels. The goal with line edits is to make changes to prevent confusion and keep the reader immersed. I also want to ensure that information is placed in the appropriate areas.


Copy editing handles grammatical errors and well as mechanics and consistency. I utilize the Chicago Manual of Style, which is the standard for fiction works, while also considering an author's stylistic choices. 

Turn Around: 3-6 weeks


A proofread is the final pass before publication. Proofreads handle spelling errors, word misuse, comma misuse, and formatting errors. 

Turn Around: 1-2 weeks


Payment plans available. Just ask!
*Listed prices are starting rates and subject to change based on the intensity of edits needed.

Triggers and Content Acceptance Limitations

I can not work on or accept content with detailed depictions of eating disorders.

If you are unsure if your manuscript holds these topics, and you are interested in working together, please contact me so we can discuss it further. 

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